Kingsdene Nursery & Garden Center
16435 York Road, Monkton, MD 21111
Voted Best of Baltimore 2022 Nursery & Garden Center

Voted Best of Baltimore 2022 Nursery & Garden Center

News / Tips

Strawberry Plants Have Arrived in Our Nursery

Strawberry plants have arrived šŸ“! These are June bearing strawberries and should be planted now or early April. Plant 18ā€ apart in soil with compost mixed in; be sure not to bury the crown. 8 hours of sun is best. Be sure to feed with slow release fertilizer. Don’t overwater, strawberry plants do not like ā˜¹ļø wet feet. Then sit back and enjoy your bounty!

Fresh Cut Christmas Trees Now Available in the Nursery

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Kingsdene! The nursery is loaded with beautiful fresh cut “grown in the mountains” of North Carolina Frasiers, sweetly scented Douglas firs, plus wreaths, roping, bundled greens and more. You pick the tree and we do the rest, including trimming the bottom, netting, tie up and loading onto your car. Shop early (and often) for the best selection. Because our trees are fresh and full they sell very quickly so don’t delay.
Our quaint and cozy gift shop is filled with ornaments, gifts, decorated trees, and more. We have Boxwood, Magnolia, Winterberry, swags, decorated wreaths and mantle pieces. Plus a lovely and colorful selection of Poinsettias.
Come see what Santa and his elves have been up to. We are open everyday from 9 to 5. Shop local, shop small, and we will love you forever! HO HO HO
ā€œKingsdene Nursery & Garden Center – Voted Baltimoreā€™s Best 2022 by Baltimore Magazineā€

Our Garden Statuary Available in the Nursery

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me……statuary! Looking for something a little different to give as a Christmas gift? We think a piece of garden statuary might be the answer. Rustic in appearance and made of cast cement the pieces in this collection will add a bit of whimsy and fun to your garden. We have a nice selection to choose from so come take a look. Open 9 – 5 everyday!

Reserve Your Fresh Trees for Christmas Now!

Read it and weep, šŸ˜­, only 47 days till Christmas! That being said if you are thinking this year of purchasing a live tree (ball and burlap for planting after the holidays) please reserve your tree now! Choose and purchase your tree and we will hold it for you until you are ready to pick it up. Now is the perfect time to dig and prepare the hole before it gets down right cold.
We have beautifully shaped Norway Spruce (Picea abies) in the 5 to 6′ range but if you add in the height of the root ball they should be approximately in the 6 to 7′ range once in your home. When planted, the Norway will maintain a nice pyramidal shape, they are low maintenance, sun to part shade, deer resistant and provides habitat for many varieties of birds. A live Christmas tree will be enjoyed for many years to come. Reserve now for the best selection, they tend to sell very quickly!
Our fresh cut trees will be ready for sale Thanksgiving week. First come, first served on fresh trees.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! HO HO HO

Our Paperwhite and Amaryllis Bulbs

They’re back! Paperwhite and Amaryllis bulbs are in. Great gift item if you have a “non-gardener” šŸ™„(is there such a thing?) in your life. Add a pretty container and voila’, you have a gift that won’t break the bank. Enjoy the beauty of the Amaryllis, 3 to 4 stems with 4 to 6 blooms on each, and with proper care they should be repeat bloomers. The Kingsdene elves have been VERY busy so come on in and see what those little rascals have been up to.

Leaves Are Changing on the Flame Thrower Redbuds in the Nursery

Isn’t this pretty? Leaves changing on one of the Flame Thrower Redbuds (Cercis canadensis) in the nursery. Native, with light pink spring flowers with an ever-changing display of colorful foliage that continues all the way to fall. New foliage emerges burgundy, fades to yellow, and matures to green. A fantastic and stunning landscape specimen. Deciduous, likes full to part sun, generally matures at 10 years with a spread of 15 feet and a height of 15 to 20 feet.