About Us
Started in 1977 by long time local resident John Mays, Kingsdene Nurseries and Garden Center has grown with the community throughout the years, always offering customers the healthiest selection of plants possible. That’s because Kingsdene is a real working Nursery. While most “chain stores” are selling plants crowded on hot parking lots, our fine selection is growing beautifully on 5 acres of open land under optimum Nursery conditions.
We are plant people, not salespeople. Our professional staff love to “talk plants” and will be glad to help you find the right tree, shrub, or perennial for your garden. We’re always looking for the latest new varieties, and would love to hear about some of your favorites.

The owner and staff of Kingsdene take great pride in making our community beautiful, and supporting local organizations and charities. Together, many great events have evolved to benefit these organizations. The annual Hereford Fall Festival is a two day event each October full of craft vendors, food, music, and attractions. Our beautiful flowering plants and autumn accents compliment this event that raises money for the Hereford Volunteer Fire Department, Ambulance Service, local food banks and others.
The Hereford Independence Day Celebration and Parade has become a regional favorite for all residents near and far. We are happy to donate the use of our business trucks each year to school groups and non-profits to create beautiful one-of-a-kind floats for the parade. We thank you for supporting our local independent business, so that we may in turn support others!
CPH – Certified Professional Horticulturists. We employ a number of CPH individuals to assist with all your gardening needs and questions. These state certified pros understand the nature and needs of every plant in our Nursery. Click the logo to visit the CPH website for more information.